You can find the most common questions and answers below.

My Followers Are Dropping What Should I Do?
What is API?
It is an interface that provides communication between programs known as Application Programming Interface. With the help of our API document on our site, you can connect our API to your website and sell. For this, you need to have basic programming knowledge. If you are an SMM panel owner, you can connect our API by contacting your SMM provider. We do not provide technical support for API connections.
How Do I Load Balance?
There is only one balance loading method on our panel. With the PayTR infrastructure integrated into the system, you can automatically load your balance 24/7. You have two different options with PayTR. The first is to load automatically with a credit card, and the second is to load by wire transfer. If you want to pay via PayTR by wire transfer method, you need to make a transfer notification after sending the transfer to PayTR accounts.
What is Partial status.
What is Partial status. Partial Status is when we partially refund the remains of an order. Sometimes for some reason, we are unable to deliver a full order, so we refund you the remaining undelivered amount.

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